Why Should You Schedule a Professional Mold Inspection?


If you suspect that your property has dangerous mold, it is important to take corrective action immediately. Determining whether an odor or visible growth contains mold is the first step in resolving your concerns and completing a comprehensive mold remediation.

Testing Gives You Access to the Information That You Need to Respond Effectively

A professional inspection will give you conclusive data about the type and severity of a mold formation. A testing and remediation company may use the information in test results to form a targeted treatment plan that eliminates an active mold growth.

Early Action Mitigates Damage

A mold biofilm on that forms on flooring or drywall can grow and spread rapidly. Mold spores that become airborne may spread to multiple rooms in a home. If a mold is present in the housing of an air handler, a home’s HVAC system could be continually circulating mold and bacteria.

Obtaining testing results right away can facilitate a swift remedial response and stop the problem from spreading. By limiting growth and controlling damage, it may be possible to reduce the scope of work that is necessary to perform a thorough mold remediation.

Mold testing is a proactive and direct approach to managing a potentially hazardous condition. Contact Premier Restorations to schedule a professional mold test.

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